Source code for structured_data._adt.ctor

"""Internal implementation of helper types for Sum annotations."""

from __future__ import annotations

import ast
import types
import typing
import weakref

import astor  # type: ignore

_CTOR_CACHE: typing.Dict[typing.Tuple, "Ctor"] = {}

AnyCtor = typing.Union["Ctor", typing.Type["Ctor"]]

ARGS: typing.MutableMapping[AnyCtor, typing.Tuple] = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()

[docs]class Ctor: """Marker class for adt constructors. To use, index with a sequence of types, and annotate a variable in an adt-decorated class with it. """ __slots__ = ("__weakref__",) def __new__(cls, args: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...]) -> Ctor: if args == (): raise ValueError self = object.__new__(cls) ARGS[self] = args return _CTOR_CACHE.setdefault(args, self) def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs: typing.Any) -> None: raise TypeError def __class_getitem__(cls, args: typing.Any) -> AnyCtor: if not isinstance(args, tuple): args = (args,) if not args: return cls # Yes it is. return cls(args) # pylint: disable=not-callable
ARGS[Ctor] = () def _interpret_args_from_non_string( constructor: typing.Any, ) -> typing.Optional[typing.Tuple]: try: return ARGS.get(constructor) except TypeError: return None def _interpret_classvar_from_non_string(annotation: typing.Any) -> bool: if annotation is typing.ClassVar: return True try: return annotation.__origin__ is typing.ClassVar except AttributeError: return False def _parse_constructor(constructor: str) -> ast.Expression: try: return typing.cast(ast.Expression, ast.parse(constructor, mode="eval")) except Exception: raise ValueError("parsing annotation failed") def _get_args_from_index(index: ast.AST) -> typing.Tuple: if isinstance(index, ast.Tuple): return tuple(astor.to_source(elt) for elt in index.elts) return (astor.to_source(index),) def _checked_eval( source: typing.Union[str, types.CodeType], global_ns: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] ) -> typing.Any: try: # Oh no, the user might end up executing arbitrary code that they wrote # in the first place. return eval(source, global_ns) # pylint: disable=eval-used # If we hit this, anything could have gone wrong, but just assume it's not # anything we care about. except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except return None NO_VALUE = object() def _extract_tuple_ast( constructor: str, global_ns: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] ) -> typing.Optional[typing.Tuple]: ctor_ast = _parse_constructor(constructor) value = index = NO_VALUE if isinstance(ctor_ast.body, ast.Subscript) and isinstance( ctor_ast.body.slice, ast.Index ): index = ctor_ast.body.slice.value ctor_ast.body = ctor_ast.body.value value = _checked_eval(compile(ctor_ast, "<annotation>", "eval"), global_ns) if value is Ctor: # If value is Ctor, then value was set, which is only possible if the # previous block executed, which will set "index" to an AST. return _get_args_from_index(typing.cast(ast.AST, index)) if value is None: return None return _interpret_args_from_non_string(_checked_eval(constructor, global_ns)) def _str_is_classvar(annotation: str, global_ns: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]) -> bool: annotation_ast = _parse_constructor(annotation) value = NO_VALUE if isinstance(annotation_ast.body, ast.Subscript) and isinstance( annotation_ast.body.slice, ast.Index ): annotation_ast.body = annotation_ast.body.value value = _checked_eval( compile(annotation_ast, "<annotation>", "eval"), global_ns ) if value is typing.ClassVar: return True if value is None: return False return _interpret_classvar_from_non_string(_checked_eval(annotation, global_ns)) def get_args( constructor: typing.Any, global_ns: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] ) -> typing.Optional[typing.Tuple]: """Given annotation value and module namespace, return Ctor args, if any. The function first checks if the value is a string. If so, it tries to parse it. Otherwise, if the value is a Ctor instance, it extracts the annotation, and if not, it returns ``None``. """ if isinstance(constructor, str): try: return _extract_tuple_ast(constructor, global_ns) except ValueError: return None return _interpret_args_from_non_string(constructor) def annotation_is_classvar( annotation: typing.Any, global_ns: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] ) -> bool: """Given annotation value and module namespace, return whether it's a ClassVar. The function first checks if the value is a string. If so, it tries to parse it. Otherwise, if the value is a ClassVar instance, it returns ``True``. If not, it returns ``False``. """ if isinstance(annotation, str): try: return _str_is_classvar(annotation, global_ns) except ValueError: return False return _interpret_classvar_from_non_string(annotation)