Source code for structured_data._adt.constructor

"""Base class for Sum subclasses and Product.

Blocks access to many built-in methods.

import inspect
import typing
import weakref

from . import annotations

_T = typing.TypeVar("_T")

def _should_include(name: str, static: typing.Any) -> bool:
    if name in SHADOWED_ATTRIBUTES and static is None:
        return False
    if isinstance(static, SumMember):
        return False
    return True

class DummyS:
    """Dummy class to help keep Sum and Product separate."""

    __slots__ = ()

class DummyP:
    """Dummy class to help keep Sum and Product separate."""

    __slots__ = ()

[docs]class SumBase(DummyS, DummyP): """Dummy class to help keep Sum and Product separate.""" __slots__ = ()
class ProductBase(DummyP, DummyS): """Dummy class to help keep Sum and Product separate.""" __slots__ = () class ADTConstructor: """Base class for ADT Constructor classes.""" __slots__ = () def __dir__(self) -> typing.List[str]: return [ attribute for attribute in super().__dir__() if _should_include(attribute, inspect.getattr_static(self, attribute)) ] __eq__ = object.__eq__ __ne__ = object.__ne__ __hash__ = object.__hash__ SHADOWED_ATTRIBUTES = { "__add__", "__contains__", "__getitem__", "__iter__", "__len__", "__mul__", "__rmul__", "count", "index", "__lt__", "__le__", "__gt__", "__ge__", } for _attribute in SHADOWED_ATTRIBUTES: setattr(ADTConstructor, _attribute, None) class SumMember: """Accessor for Sum subclass constructor, only accessible from the base.""" def __init__(self, subcls: type): self.subcls = subcls def __get__(self, obj: typing.Optional[_T], cls: typing.Type[_T]) -> type: if cls is ADT_BASES[self.subcls] and obj is None: return self.subcls raise AttributeError("Can only access adt members through base class.") ADT_BASES: typing.MutableMapping[type, type] = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() def make_constructor( _cls: typing.Type[_T], name: str, args: typing.Tuple, subclass_order: typing.List[typing.Type[_T]], ) -> None: """Create a subclass of _cls with a constructor generated from args.""" length = len(args) # pylint: disable=missing-docstring class Constructor(_cls, ADTConstructor, tuple): # type: ignore __doc__ = f"""Auto-generated subclass {name} of ADT {_cls.__qualname__}. Takes {length} argument{'' if length == 1 else 's'}. """ __slots__ = () def __new__(cls, /, *args: typing.Any): # noqa: E225 if len(args) != length: raise ValueError return super().__new__(cls, args) ADT_BASES[Constructor] = _cls Constructor.__name__ = name Constructor.__qualname__ = "{qualname}.{name}".format( qualname=_cls.__qualname__, name=name ) setattr(_cls, name, SumMember(Constructor)) subclass_order.append(Constructor) annotations_ = {f"_{index}": arg for (index, arg) in enumerate(args)} parameters = [ inspect.Parameter(name, inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY, annotation=arg) for (name, arg) in annotations_.items() ] annotations_["return"] = _cls.__qualname__ Constructor.__new__.__signature__ = inspect.Signature( # type: ignore [inspect.Parameter("cls", inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY)] + parameters, return_annotation=_cls.__qualname__, ) Constructor.__new__.__annotations__ = annotations_ def make_constructors(cls: typing.Type[_T]) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Type[_T], ...]: """Return all of the constructors of the given class in definition order.""" subclass_order: typing.List[typing.Type[_T]] = [] for name, args in annotations.sum_args_from_annotations(cls).items(): make_constructor(cls, name, args, subclass_order) return tuple(subclass_order) __all__ = ["ADTConstructor", "make_constructor"]